Similar words: supercomputer, computer class, real-time computer, cybercrime, computer, computerized, computer game, computer file.
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1 One incidental form of computer crime on the increase is rather more simple.
2 This examines hacking and computer crime cases simply to gain experience and hopefully prevent future violations.
3 Many managers tend to view computer security and computer crime as technological problems that technicians can solve.
4 Computer crime first made the headlines in 1983.
5 In view of necessity, the concept of computer crime should be a criminological concept.
6 The thesis takes out some legal measures to computer crime to its questions and legal actualities.
7 Sabotage is also an increasingly common type of computer crime.
8 Examines issues such as liability, ownership of information,[] and computer crime are examined.
9 The essay makes an overall investigation about some questions of computer crime concerned.
10 Since it is the combo of IDS and justice parsing technique, it will be instructive for the dynamic forensics of computer crime.
11 This one accusation is the commonest in network and computer crime.
More similar words: supercomputer, computer class, real-time computer, cybercrime, computer, computerized, computer game, computer file, computer room, computer virus, microcomputer, computer network, computer memory, laptop computer, computer system, personal computer, computer software, computer science, computer monitor, computer program, computer display, computer programme, computer programmer, computer tomography, computer application, war crime, compute, computerized accounting system, computed tomography, impute.